BDJ's Website

Thanks for Checking out our Website!

More stuff coming soon

Our Goals:

Feel free to come back sometime!

Why did we make this site?

I wanted to make this website with Jello to make the kind of music that we both like and to make our own mark in the internet, even if it's small. Of course, we're currently novices at this, so we might have a few that are bound to miss, but that's how we get better at these kinds of things. At some point, I think i'll put a guestbook or some kind of chat feature for this site so that users like you can make some suggestions as to what songs we make! I can't wait to get this whole thing off the ground and make a small community around the music we like, so hop on with us if you wanna see what kind of stuff we'll make!

Make Yourself at Home! -Baydo Dhelki

I made this Site so that my friend Baydo and I can have a place to share our music! It may be good, it might be... not good, but music is subjective and we will work hard to create songs that we hope you'll enjoy! While we are new to programming, art, music, and pretty much everything you need to be good at to make a music website, we'll keep trying hard to do our best to keep updating the site and get better! Thank you so much for checking out our website, and your patience! I really hope you'll come back someday when we've improved! thanks again!

All the Best -Jello

Want to learn more about us?

Learn more about us here

A Special thanks to Bro Code's: "HTML & CSS Full Course for free" video! Without this tutorial we would never have gotten so far so quickly! If you can, Please go check out an awesome creator with the attatched link!

HTML & CSS Full Course for free